phone +254 20 762 5634
About ARGeo-C5

The Fifth African Rift Geothermal Conference.

icon ARGeo-C5

The Government of the United Republic of Tanzania takes the pleasure to host and organize the Fifth African Rift Geothermal Conference (ARGeo-C5) in partnership with United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP.)
This Conference is being organized under the auspices of the UNEP-ARGeo Programme as one of its biennial geothermal conferences. The UNEP-ARGeo programme, through one of its project components, i.e regional networking and information systems, supports and assists member countries to host and organize the biennial regional geothermal conferences in coordination with other geothermal support programmes and partners; such as the Icelandic International Development Agency (ICEIDA), Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR), Geothermal Development Company (GDC), Geothermal Training Programme of the United Nations University (UNU-GTP), African Union Commission (AUC), United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and East African Regional Branch (EARB) of the International Geothermal Association (IGA).

The four previous biennial conferences were held in Ethiopia (2006), Uganda (2008), Djibouti (2010) and Kenya (2012). ARGeo-C5 will be held at the Arusha International Conference Center (AICC), Arusha , Tanzania on October 29-31, 2014. .

Three parallel geothermal pre-conference short courses will be held on 27-28 October 2014. A post conference field trip is also planned on 1-2 November 2014. The main conference will be held from 29-31 October, 2014.


: The theme of ARGeo-C5 is “Geothermal: Solution to Africa Energy needs”. The main objective of this conference is to promote regional cooperation, create an information exchange platform on exploration, development, investment and utilization of the geothermal resources ion the region and elsewhere in the world. This international conference will bring together policy makers, technical experts as well as developers and financiers of international and regional delegates. The conference will provide a platform to explore solutions how to: (i) mitigate the risks associated with resource exploration, (ii) attract private developers to fast track geothermal development, (iii) reduce lead times in developing geothermal projects, (iv) to leverage investment to stimulate the growth of industry, and (iv) to effectively develop, construct, and operate successful geothermal power plants.

The Conference will also provide opportunities for exhibitors to show their projects, products, equipment and services. It will also be an opportune time for business networking with lead personalities and institutions in the geothermal sector from Africa and the rest of the world.


Key Dates

Call for Abstracts
Abstract Submission Deadline
  30 April 2014
Notification of Abstract Acceptance
  15-30th May 2014
Call for Submission of Full Papers
Full Papers Submission deadline
  30 July 2014
Technical Papers Review
30th July to 30th Aug 2014
Notification for corrections to authors
15th August 2014
Deadline for Final Technical papers submissions
30th September 2014
Notification to authors of assignment of papers for presentation
30th September 2014
Conference Dates
27th Oct to 2nd Nov 2014



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  • WHY Attend ARGeo-C5

    Mother nature has bestowed our continent the abundance of geothermal resources. It is now our duty to develop these resources and thus spur development in this region. There is no doubt that we are in “Geothermal Era”, and we need to harness this resource now with the urgency it deserves. In this context, this conference will give opportunity to create a platform to discuss on how to fast track the development of geothermal resource in the region. Delegates who will participate in this conference are expected to:

  • - Meet key policy makers central to the growth of the geothermal sector in the region
    - Maximize their presence in the world’s most exciting geothermal region
    - Discuss crucial challenges of streamlining project development, including Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs)
    - Be the first to hear about forth coming geothermal project opportunities in the region
    - Hear from developer first hand case studies and learn from their experiences
    - Learn what makes successful geothermal projects
    - Make local and international partnerships that will consolidate one’s business’ standing in the region.
    - Get an opportunity to make business partnerships and hold private meetings with interested companies

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  • WHAT are the Benefits for Sponsor/Exhibitor:

    This conference provides an opportunity to establish relationships and raise exhibitors/sponsors company profile in the region.Taking sponsorship or an exhibition stand is the most targeted and cost effective way of reaching key industry decision makers. With an audience of government, geothermal developers, investors and energy companies, ARGeo-C5 is the ideal platform for you to meet the right people face to face and create new business relationships that are vital in consolidating your business’ position in the geothermal industry.

  • You will:
    - Connect and gain access to key decision makers
    - Meet new clients and reaffirm relationships with existing ones
    - Understand the needs of potential clients and tailor your services to meet them
    - Establish your company’s position amongst industry movers and shakers
    - Benchmark your strategy with other major solution providers;
    - Make the right connections to ensure the future success of your business

You can find us at UNEP Headquaters, Muthaiga , UN Gigiri Complex, UNEP Green Building.

The UNEP-ARGeo located in Nairobi, Kenya

icon 1 UNEP Headquaters Muthaiga (Nairobi), UN Gigiri Complex, UNEP Green Building

icon 2 +254 20 762 5634

icon 3


Catalyzing Investment for Geothermal Development

Geothermal: Solution to Africas Energy Needs